English Translation – Mandarin
Chinese Tranlsation 誰解詞中意(此中譯)
I sailed a wild, wild sea 我帆渡濤濤怒海
climbed up a tall, tall mountain 攀越巍巍高山
I met an old, old man 遇見一位冉冉老者
beneath a weeping willow tree 獨坐垂垂柳樹下
He said now if you got some questions 他說你如有什麼疑問
go and lay them at my feet 此刻儘管向我請教
but my time here is brief 但我在此不作久留
so you’ll have to pick just three 故你只能發問三道
And I said 我問到
What do you do with the pieces of a broken heart 心碎如絮將如何是好
and how can a man like me remain in the light 凡夫如我該如何把持正道
and if life is really as short as they say 在者生命若如人們說的短暫
then why is the night so long 為何黑夜卻這麼漫長
and then the sun went down 已而太陽西下
and he sang for me this song 然後他對我唱起這首歌
See I once was a young fool like you 可知我也曾像你般少不更事
afraid to do the things 害怕去承擔
that I knew I had to do 我明知不該逃避的事
So I played an escapade just like you 因此我如你般一走了之
I played an escapade just like you 如你般一走了之
I sailed a wild, wild sea 我帆渡濤濤怒海
climbed up a tall, tall mountain 攀越巍巍高山
I met an old, old man 遇見一位冉冉老者
he sat beneath a sapling tree 獨坐裊裊幼樹下
He said now if you got some questions 他說你如有什麼疑問
go and lay them at my feet 此刻儘管向我請教
but my time here is brief 但我在此不作久留
so you’ll have to pick just three 故你只能發問三道
And I said 我問到
What do you do with the pieces of a broken heart 心碎成如絮將如何是好
and how can a man like me remain in the light 凡夫如我該如何把持正道
and if life is really as short as they say 在者生命若如人們說的短暫
then why is the night so long 為何黑夜卻這麼漫長
and then the sun went down 已而太陽西下
and he played for me this song 然後他對我唱起這首歌